This course mainly introduces the architecture and interfaces of the embedded system based on ARM9. The content of this course includes the development of the embedded system, the architecture of ARM9, the instructions set of the ARM9, the memory system and its interfaces, the interrupt mechanism, the DMA mechanism, the timing component, the I/O ports, the asynchronous serial interface, the network interface, the human-machine interface, and an example of designing the whole embedded system, etc.
Field of Study
Computer Engineering
计算机工程(Computer Engineering)是一个以电机工程学和计算机科学的部分交叉领域为内容的工程学,其主要任务是设计及实现计算机系统。简言之,计算机工程学就是研究计算机如何运作并且做到更快捷更精准。其主要包括两方面:计算机软件与硬件工程。 计算机工程学学生通过学习数学、物理、计算机科学相关课程,分析设计和研发计算机软件与硬件(计算机芯片、电路板、调制调节器和打印机)。
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