"Electrodynamics" is an fundametally important theory course for undergraduate students majored in physics. The course systematically teachs the basic rules of electromagnetism, properties of electromagnetic field and its interaction with charged matter. The course also includes an introduction to special relativity.
The major contents of the course include: The energy momentum tensor of electromagnetic wave, Maxwell equation and Lorentz equation; Variable separable method, mirror-image method in solving static electric and magnetic field, Green`s function method; The concept of gauge transformation and electromagnetic gauge invariance and their physical meaning; Propagation and radiation of electromagnetic field; The interaction between a moving electrically charged particle and elctromagnetic field; Special relativity, it historical background and experimnetal facts, fundamental priciples of special relativity and Lorent transformation, space-time theory of special relativity; The propagation, dispersion and dissipation of electromagnetic field travelling in the medium.