Human anatomy is the organ of human body system on the morphology, location, adjacent to the normal growth and development law and the basic functions of the form of science, is an important basic course for the learning of other basic medicine and clinical medicine courses. Students through the study of human anatomy, grasp the basic content of human anatomy and basic skills of a strong and skilled, the correct use of anatomical terms, to grasp the common anatomical English vocabulary; on the other hand, self training observation, comprehensive judgment, thinking expression and the ability to analyze and solve problems.
护理学是自然科学、社会科学、人文科学等多学科相互渗透的一门综合性应用学科,研究维护、促进、恢复人类健康的护理理论、知识、技能及其发展规律。 本专业培养掌握基础医学、预防保健的基本理论知识和护理学的基本理论、基本知识、基本技能,能够在各级医院、社区卫生服务中心等从事临床护理、社区健康服务、预防保健等方面工作的应用型护理专门人才。
Clinical Medicine
“临床”即“亲临病床”之意,临床医学是医学专业的分支,研究疾病的病因、诊断、治疗和预后,提高临床治疗水平,促进人体健康的科学。它根据病人的临床表现,从整体出发结合研究疾病的病因、发病机理和病理过程,进而确定诊断,通过预防和治疗以最大程度上减弱疾病、减轻病人痛苦、恢复病人健康、保护劳动力。 临床医学是直接面对疾病、病人,对病人直接实施治疗的科学。