Majoring in communication and signal processing , Signals and Systems is an important basic course, many of its concepts and methods are widely used in communication, automatic control, signal processing, circuits and systems, and many other related fields. In recent years, with the development of the theory and application of information technology, Concepts of signals and systems are gradually extending, in addition to traditional professional, this course is affecting an increasing number of other professional and areas.
Field of Study
Electrical Engineering
电气工程的研究和学习内容包括电能的产生、传输、分配、使用以及电工装备制造等。虽然在国外Electrical Engineering对应的是电子电气工程,但在我国习惯上将偏“强电”的电气工程与偏“弱电”电子工程分为两个专业方向,电子工程的研究和学习内容则包括集成电路、信息安全、通信系统、微电子以及图像信息处理等。
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