This course approaches environmental problems as entrepreneurial opportunities and sees entrepreneurs as influential in creating positive environmental, social and economic change. This course will help students understand environmental entrepreneurship. Students will learn about local sustainable businesses and industries. Students will also learn about creating value for all of an organization’s stakeholders, not just the shareholders. Students will work to conceive and develop an environmentally and socially sustainable new business opportunity that will help move us towards a more sustainable economy.
Entrepreneurship and Strategy
创业与战略管理学包括创业学和战略管理学两部分。创业学主要结合当下国际国内趋势研究如何成功创业;战略管理学有广义和狭义之分,狭义的战略管理学主要研究企业环境及政策下的战略管理理论及方法,包括确定战略性的目标,发展并执行战略性的计划来达成目标。而广义的战略管理学的研究对象则超出了企业层面涵盖了所有涉及到所有需要决策的领域。 二者互有区别又相互交融,创业学需要战略管理学理论支撑,而战略管理学也需要将初创企业纳入学科的研究范围。