化学工程一般主要分为化学反应工程、化工系统工程、化工机械与设备、无机化学工程、电化学工程、煤化学工程、石油化学工程、精细化学工程、制药工程、生物化学工程 ...
化工系统工程(chemical system engineering)是将系统工程的理论和方法应用于化工过程领域的一门新兴的边缘学科,是化学工程的一个分支。它的基本内容是:从系统的整体目标出发,根据系统内部各个组成部分的特性及其相互关系,确定化工系统在规划、设计、控制和管理等方面的最优策略。借助的数学工具是运筹学和现代控制论的一些方法,依靠的技术手段是电子计算机。
无机化学工业是以天然资源和工业副产物为原料生产硫酸、硝酸 、盐酸、磷酸等无机酸、纯碱、烧碱、合成氨、化肥以及无机盐等化工产品的工业。包括硫酸工业、纯碱工业、氯碱工业、合成氨工业、化肥工业和无机盐工业。广义上也包括无机非金属材料和精细无机化学品如陶瓷、无机颜料等的生产。无机化工产品的主要原料是含硫、钠、磷、钾、钙等化学矿物和煤、石油、天然气以及空气、水等。
电化学工程是化学反应工程的一个分支,研究在电场作用下进的氧化还原反应过程的开发和电化学反应装置的设计、 优化。电化学反应包括电解槽中输入电能而引起的化反应以及电池中产生电能时的化学反应。 过程特除遵循化学反应的一般规律外,电化反应工程的特点是:电极电位决定电化学反应能否生及其反应速率。
精细化工,是生产精细化学品工业的通称。具有品种多,更新换代快;产量小,大多以间歇方式生产;具有功能性或最终使用性:许多为复配性产品,配方等技术决定产品性能;产品质量要求高;商品性强,多数以商品名销售;技术密集高,要求不断进行新产品的技术开发和应用技术的研究,重视技术服务;设备投资较小;附加价值率高等特点。 精细化工是当今化学工业中最具活力的新兴领域之一,是新材料的重要组成部分。精细化工产品种类多、附加值高、用途广、产业关联度大,直接服务于国民经济的诸多行业和高新技术产业的各个领域。大力发展精细化工己成为世界各国调整化学工业结构、提升一化学工业产业能级和扩大经济效益的战略重点。精细化工率(精细化工产值占化工总产值的比例)的高低己经成为衡量一个国家或地区化学工业发达程度和化工科技水平高低的重要标志。
制药工程是一种将药物量产化的工程技术。由于药物大多数属有机化合物,在温度、杂质的存在下极容易受到感染或变坏,好的制药过程需要在环境有很好的配合。 制药工程是一个化学、生物学、药学(中药学)和工程学交叉的工科类专业,以培养从事药品制造,新工艺、新设备、新品种的开发、放大和设计人才为目标。这个名称正式出现在教育部的本科专业目录是1998年。尽管制药工程专业在名称上是新的,但是从学科沿革来看它的产生并不是全新的,是相近专业的延续,也是中国科学技术发展到一定时期的产物。
生物化学工程是生物化学反应的工程应用,主要包括代谢工程、发酵工程和生物化学传感器等,生物化学工程和生物医学工程是最初的生物工程学概念,基因重组、发酵工程、细胞工程、生化工程等在21世纪整合而形成了系统生物工程。 全书共分十章,主要介绍了培养基灭菌,空气除菌,通气与搅拌,发酵罐的比拟放大,固定化酶、固定化细胞,典型发酵过程动力学及模型,发酵过程参数的在线测量及仪表,微生物生化反应过程的质量和能量衡算,发酵过程的计算机在线控制以及发酵工程下游技术。
化学热力学是在热力学定律范畴之下,研究化学反应以及系统状态之间热和功的交互关系。化学热力学不仅包含实验测定不同的热力学性质,还应用数学分析来探讨化学问题及自发过程。 化学热力学的建构是基于前两个热力学定律,由热力学第一、第二定律,四个方程式可得到“吉布斯函数”。再由这些方程式对应热力学系统中的热力学性质推导出相对简单的数学,由此勾略出化学热力学的数学架构。
Institutes :Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institutes :People's Public Security University of China
化学工程专家,中国科学院院士、英国皇家学会外籍院士、第三世界科学院院士、瑞士工程院外籍院士、英国皇家工程院外籍院士、澳大利亚技术科学与工程院外籍院士,中国科学院过程工程研究所研究员、原所长 、北京市科协主席。曾任国家自然科学基金委员会主任。现任第十四届全国人大常委会委员 ,北京市科协十届委员会主席。
Institutes :Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institutes :Peking University
Institutes :Shaanxi Normal University
This course aims to connect the principles, concepts, and laws/postulates of classical and statistical thermodynamics to applications that require quantitative knowledge of thermodynamic properties from a macroscopic to a molecular level. It covers their basic postulates of classical thermodynamics and their application to transient open and closed systems, criteria of stability and equilibria, as well as constitutive property models of pure materials and mixtures emphasizing molecular-level effects using the formalism of statistical mechanics. Phase and chemical equilibria of multicomponent systems are covered. Applications are emphasized through extensive problem work relating to practical cases.
The intent of this course is to help the student master several advanced concepts in chemical reaction engineering, notably:
1) advanced reactor design, including consideration of the energy balance;
2) chemical reaction mechanisms and rate theories;
3) transport effects in reactive systems;
4) biomolecular applications of chemical kinetics.
Principles of heat and mass transfer. Steady and transient conduction and diffusion. Radiative heat transfer. Convective transport of heat and mass in both laminar and turbulent flows. Emphasis on the development of a physical understanding of the underlying phenomena and upon the ability to solve real heat and mass transfer problems of engineering significance.
Inorganic Chemistry introduces the structures, chemical reactivities, physical and chemical properties, as well as related applications of different inorganic elements and their compounds.
This course introduces the basic principles of the chemical engineering and involved equipments,including fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, chemical reaction kinetics and dynamics.
Physical Chemistry I introduces the basic principles of the physical properties of gases, chemical thermodynamics and statistical thermodynamics. Emphasis is placed on the energy transfer in the chemical reactions, the direction and limitation of spontaneous change, the connection between the molecular energy level and the thermodynamic properties of matter and also the application of thermodynamics in the phase diagram and chemical equilibrium. Physical Chemistry II introduces the basic concepts and theories in three specific fields: (1) kinetics of chemical reactions; (2) transport process and electrochemistry; (3) interface and colloid science.
A course on the structures,nomenclatures, properties,reactivities and preparations of carbon compounds, including the fundamental principles of electronic and steric effects, key reaction mechanisms, basic organic synthesis, and extensions and applications of these principles.
"Application of Computers in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is an elective course for the undergraduates whose specialty is related to chemistry. In this course, the teaching focuses on the application of the advanced computer technologies on the resolution of practical problems in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering, which helps to improve their work efficiency and to cultivate their ability in the scientific research and practical work.
This course is concise and practical. In the class, there is practice on computers as well as theory teaching. To broaden the sight of students, enlighten their thinking and excite their interest, the teaching focuses not only on the explaination of the basic knowledge and the method of application of the softwares, but also on the introduction of the new development in this field. Besides, the students are also encouraged to apply computers in solving the practical problems which they meet in their experiments and scientific research."
ISSN: 0142-9612
ISSN: 0926-3373
ISSN: 0960-8524
ISSN: 0378-3820
The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal
ISSN: 1876-973X
Materials Science and Engineering
ISSN: 0921-5093
Matlab, Origin, ChemDraw, Excel