Institutes :Hefei University of Technology
谭寅亮博士是中欧国际工商学院决策科学和管理信息系统学教授 ,人工智能管理专家。他曾在斯坦福大学人工智能研究院和数字经济实验室担任访问学者。在加入中欧之前,他是美国休斯顿大学C.T. Bauer (鲍尔商学院)决策和信息科学终身教授,鲍尔讲席教授,DBA项目主任,以及供应链管理方向系主任。他还担任了休斯顿大学人工智能研究中心副主任和慧与科技 (HPE)数据科学研究中心资深研究员。
Institutes :Tsinghua University
方跃教授是中欧国际工商学院经济学与决策科学教授,经济学和决策科学系系主任,中欧AI与企业管理研究领域主任。于2018年,在中欧创办大数据研究中心,并担任研究中心首届主任。2024年初,在中欧成立并负责AI与管理创新研究中心,重点关注AI对企业管理及产业发展的影响和如何打造AI 驱动型组织,致力于构建具有商学院特色的AI产学研平台,及 AI与管理创新的高端智库。
Institutes :China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
教授、博士,中欧国际工商学院京东运营及供应链管理学教席教授,中欧国际工商学院副教务长(深圳校区),中国华南理工大学供应链整合与服务创新研究所所长 。
Institutes :China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
Institutes :Sun Yat-sen University
1983年获哈尔滨工业大学管理工程专业学士学位,1987年获哈尔滨工业大学系统工程专业硕士学位,1996年4月获哈尔滨工业大学管理工程专业工学博士学位。自1983年本科毕业以来,先后分别在哈尔滨工业大学和大连理工大学从事运筹学、知识工程与人工智能、电子商务与物流管理的教学科研工作,1997年8月破格晋升为教授职称。2000年4月被确定为博士生导师。2002年4月至2008年1月任大连理工大学管理学院副院长、大连理工大学系统工程研究所副所长、大连理工大学电子商务研究开发中心副主任。2006年入选国家新世纪“百千万人才工程”国家级人选,2007年获得国家杰出青年基金资助。2008年1月至2018年1月任大连理工大学研究生院常务副院长。 2011年获国务院政府特殊津贴。2013年4月开始任教育部创新团队(新兴电子商务的信息与物流管理)负责人,2015年1月开始任国家创新群体(新兴电子商务的信息与物流管理)负责人。2017年任全国研究生院院长联席会轮值主席。
Institutes :Harbin Institute of Technology
1937年7月27日出生于北京,1958年毕业于北京四中,1963年成为中国科学技术大学原子核工程系首届毕业生,从事我国核工业工程理论研究、工程设计及指导施工达23年之久,为“两弹一星”做出了贡献。被任命为核动力工程师,获核工业部颁发的荣誉证书。七十年代开始转入社会科学领域的研究,在对古今中外的经典文化与现代科学文化思想归一性研究的基础上,以“对立统一”、“一阴一阳之谓道”、“元无-有”为最高观念,通过对系统论、信息论、控制论的归一性研究,逻辑一贯地演绎出现代大学科方法论,创立了一门横跨自然科学、社会科学和思维科学的综合性大学科-决策学,著述达1500万字。其中400余万字的中国第一部决策管理学专著《中国决策学》(14卷)已出版发行。代表作《本元论》、《法元论》被评为决策管理科学经典述著。《决策学基础》被学术界评为中国决策名著,被海外学术界誉为“现代孙子兵法” 。
"Cognitive psychology focuses on the inner course of psychology events, rising from the middle of 20th century. The fundamental aspects of cognitive psychology will be talked in this course: sensation and perception, attention and consciousness, memory and knowledge representation, imagery, language and decision making, etc.
1.Critically analyze complex business issues and recommend sound solutions, in local and global environments.
2.Demonstrate competency in IT as an enabler of business strategies in all functional areas.
3.Make decisions that meet expectations and requirements of an organization’s stakeholders.
This course involves information law issues and information law basic principle, and from the government, public service, business, civic and main point of teaching of network information and information collection, processing, transmission, organization, service and use etc.and its information rights and obligations and other related issues. Highlights include the information disclosure, information security, information property right and information security problems.
Managerial Economics is concerned with the application of economic principles and methodologies to key management decisions within organizations. It provides principles to foster the goals of the organization, as well as a better understanding of the external business environment in which an organization operates.
Organizational behavior is a discipline aims to search the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organization. Organizations attach great importance to this discipline for it is proven to be of great help to make them more effective and competitive. Also, how to retain the most inspiring people and motivate employee is another question it concerns. It has developed over one hundred years in the western country though only has a short history in China. It is a fundamental class for students major in management psychology.
This course introduces you to behavioral science theories, methods, and tools and provides opportunities to use and apply them to problems you will encounter in your work and career. The course material will begin with an overview of work and organizations in modern industrial society, and then examine individual behavior, move to behavior in groups or teams, and finally discuss organizations as a whole. It is expected that at the end of the course you will: (a) know something about managerial psychology, (b) know how to learn more, (c) understand the behavioral research process, and (d) develop skills in presenting your ideas in oral and written reports.
This course introduces students the basic concepts, theories, and methods of policy analysis. It also introduces students the background information of Chinese social policies. Students are required to actively participate in class discussions. The final essay requires students to conduct evidence based analysis.
Public Policy is an introductory course that explores policy-making as both a problem-solving process and a political process. This course aims to educate a new generation of public policy-makers and policy analysts, familiarising them with the necessary concepts, theories, methods and principles involved in the formulation and analysis of public policy. The course provides an accessible assessment of a wide range of theories and models from policy cycles, policy transfer, rational choice and socio-economic explanations to multi-level governance, advocacy coalitions and punctuated equilibrium and of their value to policy analysis. The programme draws on the disciplines of political science, economics, law, public management. Students develop a working knowledge of particular aspects of political science theory relevant to understanding how public policies are formulated. They gain a basic understanding of economic approaches to public policy analysis and of the concepts of economic efficiency and equity as societal objectives.
This Course aims at guiding students to describing and modelling non-determinative iphenomenons mathematically, and provides chances for students to practice Set Theory,Calculus and Advanced Algebra.
This course is an introduction to the methods and applications of fitting multiple regression and time series models. For regression models, the primary emphasis is on the method of least squares and its many varieties. Topics include the examination of residuals, the transformation of data, strategies and criteria for the selection of a regression equation, the use of dummy variables, tests of fit, and the use and interpretation of computer package regression programs. For time series models, topics include auto-regression and moving average models, identification and fitting, forecasting.