地质学的子专业主要包括:1.矿物学、岩石学、矿床学;2.地球化学;3.古生物学与地层学(含 ...
是我国最早研究煤成油的专家之一,中国科学院院士。建立有机地球化学与煤岩学相结合的有效烃源岩研究方法,确证“成煤过程中也可能伴随有‘生油’过程”,煤中沥青是“由煤或高等植物成因液态烃类衍生物”,被美国化学文摘(CA)和地质文摘(Geo Ref)数据库收录;提出煤系烃源岩“分期生油”理念,最早论证渗出沥青体作为石油生成和初次运移的直接标志,为解决煤成油研究的重大争议问题提供了充分依据,推动了煤成油理论的发展;最先从生烃机理、资源分布规律等方面全面系统地研究了低熟油理论问题,创造性地建立五种原始母质早期生烃机理和模式,弥补了国际上“干酪根晚期热降解生烃”理论的缺陷,发展了陆相生油和石油地质理论,开拓了油气勘探领域,出版了国内外第一部《低熟油气形成机理与分布》专著;他是国内率先向研究生开设“分子有机地球化学”,主讲“油藏地球化学”。
Geomechanics is a branch of geology to deal with the laws of crustal structures and crustal movement. It deals with structural phenomena in different scales from microstructure to lithosphere texture. It deals with the mechanical properties of structural features, divides generation ang order of structural features, establishes structural systems and structural patterns, study distributional and evolutional laws of global tectonic systems and structural stress field for different structural patterns, analyzes the compound and combined types of structural systems, discusses the form and direction of crustal movement according to the distributional lows of global structural systems and their structural stress fields and sums up the origin of crustal movement and tectonic force. The application of geomechanics to mineral exploration,engineering geology and geohydrology as well as seismic geology are also the main contents of geomechanics.
The Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology is a synthesize curriculum ,including the Sedimentary ,the physical Geology ,the old Climatology ,the Palaeoantology the Newtectonism ,the Geology Chronology and so on. The basic knowledge of geology is its main parts. The Quaternary Geology is a discipline which studies the sediment, biology ,climate ,stratigraphy ,neotectiontic movement and history development regularity of the Earth’s crust about two or three million years .The Geomorphology is a discipline which studies the surface form, feature ,factor ,distribution and so on. Both the Geomorphology and the Quaternary Geology look on the surface natural environment and their evolution history as their research object. They also study identical problem from distinct angle. Their research results are mutually supplement and very intimate with a lot of theories and practical application values.
Origin, diagenesis and geochemistry of sediments and sedimentary rocks.
Geochemistry is essential reading for all earth science students, as well as for researchers and applied scientists who require an introduction to the essential theory of geochemistry, and a survey of its applications in the earth and environmental sciences.
Introduction to crystallography, physical and chemical properties of minerals. Recognition and identification of common minerals.
Analysis and interpretation of natural deformation.Studies of natural deformation using advanced techniques.
An introduction to physical geology
Principles of Geophysics," is to introduce graduate students and advanced undergraduates to the broad spectrum of knowledge that can be obtained by the application of basic principles of physics and mathematics to the study of the earth. Important aspects of the earth's evolution, structure, and dynamic processes will be discussed.