Institutes :Northeastern University (China)
张维迎,陕西省榆林市吴堡县人。北京大学国家发展研究院联合创始人 、教授 、北京大学网络经济研究中心主任,曾任北京大学光华管理学院院长,经济学教授。
Institutes :Peking University
Jennifer A. CHATMAN
Jennifer Chatman is the Paul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
Institutes :University of California, Berkeley
This course is an introduction to the methods and applications of fitting multiple regression and time series models. For regression models, the primary emphasis is on the method of least squares and its many varieties. Topics include the examination of residuals, the transformation of data, strategies and criteria for the selection of a regression equation, the use of dummy variables, tests of fit, and the use and interpretation of computer package regression programs. For time series models, topics include auto-regression and moving average models, identification and fitting, forecasting.
The course introduces basic theory and method in strategy management of enterprise, which includes the meaning, origin and development of strategic management, the analysis of external and internal environment, options for corporate strategy and business unit strategy, common methods of strategic evaluations. It also contains the implementation of the strategic programs in functions of the organizational structure and the areas of strategy and corporate culture, strategies for effective control and cases about strategy management of enterprise at home and abroad. Our purpose is to cultivate students with both international perspective and comprehensive quality to adapt the demand of localization.
Operations Management (OM): The management of the efficient transformation of inputs into outputs to suitably satisfy customers. Inputs are materials, labor, capital and management. Outputs are products or services, which customers want and often pay for. The course provides an introduction to the operations and the related management concepts. The level of discussion varies from strategical to daily control of business processes.
The course of Human Resource Management(HRM) is the science of a set of theories, principles and methods of developing ,improving human resources quality, as well as how to use human resource reasonably. It is amajor foundation course that trains students the basic theories, knowledge and abilities related to human resource management. Its main contents include HRM overview,HRM strategy and planning, job analysis, staff recruitment, human resource performance evaluation and assessment, compensation system, employee relations, and etc.
"This is a first class in Corporate Finance. This class involves the answers to three questions. First is the capital budgeting decision, which is about what long term investments should the firm take on. Second is the financing decision, which is about how can cash be raised for the required investment. Lastly, it examines short term finance and concern net working capital and discusses the way the firm manage its day-to-day cash and financial affairs. At the end of this course, students should be able to think analytically about portfolio selection, corporate decision making and asset pricing. These skills can also be used as personal financial decisions."
Marketing Management is designed to serve as an introduction to the theory and practice of marketing. Students will improve their ability to develop effective marketing strategies and assess market opportunities, as well as design strategy implementation programs. In addition, students will have the opportunity to communicate and defend their recommendations and build upon the recommendations of their peers. We will explore the theory and applications of marketing concepts through a mix of cases, discussions, lectures, guest speakers, individual assignments, and group projects. We will draw materials from a variety of sources and settings including services, consumer and business-to-business products.
This course outlines today's major challenges facing the management profession. The course uses interactive exercises, simulations and problems to develop critical skills in negotiations, teamwork and leadership. Students will be introduced to concepts and tools to analyze work and leadership experiences in optional undergraduate fieldwork projects.
Operational research focuses on the basic rules that how human beings use and operate different resources, in order to optimize the profits of limited resources. As a domain about optimization and decision making, operational research plays an important role in economics, science and technology, industry, management, military, etc., and thus highly recognized by higher education systems all over the world. The course will introduce linear programming, transportation, integer programming, graph and network analysis, dynamic programming, decision analysis, game theory, forecasting, optimization, and these contents may increase students` interests on further study in the domain of operational research.
The course presents the fundamental ideas and methods used in operational research, which are expected to lead students to use them when facing various real world problems, to determine objects, establish schemes, build models, and obtain solutions, so that they can survive in drastic competitions of this information era.
Conceptual introduction to financial accounting. Emphasis is placed on wealth and income measurement and the preparation and interpretation of conventional financial statements.
Principles of economics is the basic course for economics major, and also introduces basic economics for other majors.The course is composed of two parts: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. We offer basic knowledge of economics in this course, and also enhance students understanding of everyday economy affairs. Most importantly, the course pay special attention to the intuitions of economics through class as well as exercises. We believe economics is not just an brunch of math or others, it has its own perspectives. training intuitions will do help students understan unique perspectives of economics.