不同方向的研究内容包罗万象又紧密联系,以发展心理学中的认知发展心理学为例,主要回答三个基本的问题 ...
认知心理学是一门研究认知及行为背后之心智处理(包括思维、 决定、推理和一些动机和情感的程度)的心理科学。这门科学包括了广泛的研究领域,旨在研究记忆、注意、感知、知识表征、推理、创造力及问题解决的运作机制。
医学心理学(Medical Psychology)是研究心理活动与病理过程相互影响的心理学分支。医学心理学是把心理学的理论、方法与技术应用到医疗实践中的产物,是医学与心理学结合的边缘学科。它既具有自然科学性质,又具有社会科学性质,包括基本理论、实际应用技术和客观实验等内容。医学心理学兼有心理学和医学的特点,它研究和解决人类在健康或患病以及二者相互转化过程中的一切心理问题,即研究心理因素在疾病病因、诊断、治疗和预防中的作用。
生理心理学是试图以脑内的生理事件来解释心理现象的心理学分支,又称生物心理学、心理生物学或行为神经科学,与生理学、神经解剖学 、神经生理学、生物化学、心理药物学/行为药物学、神经病学、神经心理学、内分泌学以及行为遗传学等有密切的联系。生理心理学研究脑的各部分结构的功能,并分析这些部分如何参与脑的整体工作。
工商/产业组织心理学(英语:Industrial and organizational psychology),或称工商心理学(英语:I-O psychology)、劳动心理学、工作心理学(英语:work psychology),是应用心理学的其中一种,是对员工、职场、组织所进行的科学研究,与组织行为学及人力资本互为息息相关的学科领域。主要是分辨员工、顾客及消费者的心理层级,包含招聘、从众多应征者中选用员工,并包含对员工的训练、绩效评价、工作满意度、工作行为、工作压力管理。其涉及心理学、管理学(含组织行为学与人力资源管理学)、社会学、政治学、人类学、社会心理学和经济学等等。了解组织心理,目的也是为了进步利用、管理,达至组织的目标。
法律心理学也称法制心理学。是研究与法有关的各种人的心理活动规律的一个应用社会心理学领域。它是介于法学和心理学之间的一门边缘学科。 在中国正致力于法制建设现代化的过程中日益发挥着重要的作用。对违法犯罪行为和司法行为中的心理学问题作了透彻的阐述,从理论方面进一步丰富和发展了心理学的基本理论和技术方法在司法领域的应用;在实践方面有助于法律制度的建设、改革和完善;有助于提高司法工作的准确性和科学性;有助于罪犯的改造,提高改造罪犯的效益。
比较心理学(英语:Comparative Psychology)通常是指研究人与各种动物的行为与心理,并且将人类与其他动物之间的差异进行交互比较。
1987年从人大附中高中毕业后,进入美国声名卓著的女子学院史密斯学院(Smith College)求学,1991年毕业之后来到麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)攻读博士,1995年博士毕业后来到宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)做博士后,1997年在西北大学(Northeastern University)任助理教授,2003年任英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)副教授,2007来到加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)做访问学者,2009年后在伯克利任教授至今。这位杰出的科学家过去二十余年中做了大量关于概念与语言发展(concept and langauge development)、物理推理(physical reasoning)、客体表征(object representations)、数字表征(number representations)还有更普遍的学习机制的研究。
Institutes :University of California, Berkeley
北京大学心理学系教授, 博士生导师,北京大学“百人计划”入选者,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。1997年和2001年分别从北京大学心理学系和智能科学系毕业,获理学学士和工学硕士学位。2006年毕业于美国明尼苏达大学心理学系,获哲学博士学位,2006年至2007年继续在明尼苏达大学心理学系从事博士后研究。2007年入选北京大学“优秀青年人才引进计划”,获“百人计划”特聘研究员职位,2008年加入北京大学机器感知与智能教育部重点实验室。
Institutes :Peking University
Developmental psychology iis the scientific study of systematic psychological changes, emotional changes, and perception changes that occur in human beings over the course of their life span.
"Experimental psychology is a Basic course for Psychology students.
This course include introduction to scientific methods and research techniques in psychology.
This course studies the biological bases of human behavior, including in-depth treatment of nervous system anatomy and physiology and the biological concepts underlying emotion, motivation, learning, and memory.
Psychological testing refers to all the possible uses, applications, and underlying concepts of psychological and educational tests. The main use of these tests, though, is to evaluate individual differences or variations among individuals. Such tests measure individual differences in ability and personality and assume that the differences shown on the test reflect actual differences among individuals. For instance, individuals who score high on an IQ test are assumed to have a higher degree of intelligence than those who obtain low scores. Thus, the most important purpose of testing is to differentiate among those taking the tests.
"This course aims to help undergraduate students master basic theories and methods in statistics, common statistical tools as well as experimental designs and methods in psychological studies. It will also help students to obtain basic logical reasoning and experimental design skills that are necessary for psychological studies.
Specifically, the course will cover discriptive statistics, basic statistical distributions, basics in probability, estimation, t-tests, z test, regression, correlation, chi-square tests, one-way and two-way ANOVA and some non-parametrical tests."
This lecture course – INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY is designed to present students with a general knowledge of Psychology, including its definition, research methods, and main research domains: i.e., sensation and perception, learning, memory, language and thought, consciousness, intelligence, personality, emotion, motivation, psychological disorders and intervention, social cognition, interpersonal processes, and other topics will be discussed in this lecture. The course is accessible to all the undergraduates except the Psychology majors, who will be admitted to specific curriculum. Therefore, the professor and teaching assistants will concentrate on introducing full-range while elementary phenomena and researches, instead of investigating selected domains or topics in depth. In the end of the semester, students are expected to acquire an understanding of primary concepts, theories and methodologies in general psychology. Moreover, the interest developed in this course may lead students to apply the psychological theories to daily life and get prepared for advanced courses.
This course provides an overview of the widely-used statistical methods in scientific research and the fundamentals of using the SPSS Base System. The course introduces the interfaces and functions of SPSS and teaches the skills necessary to perform a variety of statistical analyses with both user-friendly interface and syntax. The topics of this course include an overview of SPSS, managing data, creating and editing charts and tables, describing variables, conducting t tests, one-way ANOVA, multi-way ANOVA, correlation, regression and advanced statistical methods like nonparametric analyses, factor analysis, reliability analysis and etc. This course has a companion course "SPSS advanced statistics – laboratory”, which is to be taken at the same time.
Experimental psychology focuses on the logic, principles and practices of experimental approaches to psychological issues. The course is divided into two parts: Theory and Practice. As for the Practice part (Experiments in Experimental Psychology), we are aiming at preparing the student for their future experimental research by a number of teaching experiments in different topical areas of psychology. By engaging in actual laboratory work, students are guided to become familiar with the research questions and experimental paradigms in various branches of experimental psychology, which covers psychophysics, reaction time, perception as vision and audition, attention, memory, problem solving, decision making, language and so on. This course trains students` capacity to design experiments, conduct experimental control, analyze data and write research papers, etc. Students are also expected to be able to evaluate a given experiment design under rigid scientific criteria. Practice in teaching experiments is a key component which contributes to the students’ passion for psychology.
"Through some animal typical experiments, help students to understand the knwoledge of Physiological psychology, including motivation, emotion, learning, memory, cognition, or mental disorders. Rats and mice are used in the course.
"The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord .
The brain plays a central role in the control of most bodily functions, including awareness, movements, sensations, thoughts, speech, and memory. Some reflex movements can occur via spinal cord pathways without the participation of brain structures.
The spinal cord is connected to a section of the brain called the brainstem and runs through the spinal canal. Cranial nerves exit the brainstem. Nerve roots exit the spinal cord to both sides of the body. The spinal cord carries signals (messages) back and forth between the brain and the peripheral nerves.
Cerebrospinal fluid surrounds the brain and the spinal cord and also circulates within the cavities (called ventricles) of the central nervous system. The leptomeninges surround the brain and the spinal cord. The cerebrospinal fluid circulates between 2 meningeal layers called the pia matter and the arachnoid (or pia-arachnoid membranes). The outer, thicker layer serves the role of a protective shield and is called the dura matter.
The basic unit of the central nervous system is the neuron (nerve cell). Billions of neurons allow the different parts of the body to communicate with each other via the brain and the spinal cord. A fatty material called myelin coats nerve cells to insulate them and to allow nerves to communicate quickly."
ISSN: 0036-8075
ISSN: 0021-9010
ISSN: 0306-4522