

The University of Tokyo
Master of Mechanical Engineering

东京大学Master of Mechanical Engineering招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方

东京大学Master of Mechanical Engineering招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Master2020 Fall
Update Time2020年12月23日



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Application deadline
东京大学申请时间和截止日期是什么时候那,我们看一下Master of Mechanical Engineering的申请截止时间是什么时候吧,根据官方显示申请截止时间是2020-02-27

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The University of Tokyo大学申请条件和要求都有哪些?下面给大家展示一下The University of Tokyo大学Master of Mechanical Engineering申请要求和录取条件,雅思需要达到0,托福分数要求是0,听力0阅读0,口语0,写作0都是The University of Tokyo大学对于申请的要求条件
Standardized Test

TOEFL is preferable. If you already have IELTS score or if it is difficult for you to take TOEFL test, we will accept IELTS score.TOEFL/IELTS or GRE is not ready at the time of filling T-cens application form, please fill in the date when you took or will take the examination.TOEFL (or IELTS): One copy of your TOEFL score is required. You do not have to submit the original official score report. Please DO NOT send it directly from ETS Center to the University of Tokyo. If the official score report is not ready by the time of shipping out the application documents, please include the printed out on-line score. And as soon as you receive the official score report, please send the scanned copy by e-mail.If English is your native language, you do not have to submit any of the above document. Instead, please submit proof of citizenship, such as a copy of your valid passport.


TOEFL is preferable. If you already have IELTS score or if it is difficult for you to take TOEFL test, we will accept IELTS score.TOEFL/IELTS or GRE is not ready at the time of filling T-cens application form, please fill in the date when you took or will take the examination.TOEFL (or IELTS): One copy of your TOEFL score is required. You do not have to submit the original official score report. Please DO NOT send it directly from ETS Center to the University of Tokyo. If the official score report is not ready by the time of shipping out the application documents, please include the printed out on-line score. And as soon as you receive the official score report, please send the scanned copy by e-mail.If English is your native language, you do not have to submit any of the above document. Instead, please submit proof of citizenship, such as a copy of your valid passport.



GRE is required by IME Graduate Program.If it is impossible for you to submit GRE score before the deadline, you must contact IME Graduate Program Office to clearly explain the reason.When you cannot make the official score report arrive at the UTokyo by the deadline of submission of paper-based application documents, please include the printed out on-line score in the package.If even the on-line score is not ready when you ship out the paper-based application documents, you can submit later the scanned copy of it by e-mail as long as you can send it to us by the deadline of submission of paper-based application documents.Please arrange so that ETS Center can directly send it to the University of Tokyo.


The REG-SYS and G30-TMI strongly recommend that all candidates submit their "GRE Subject Test: Mathematics" scores REG-SYS: However, if you missed the registration for the "GRE Subject Test: Mathematics", you may also include GRE General Test scores in your application.G30-TMI: Applicants are required to submit GRE-General test scores.


GMAT is not acceptable. I


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Application Materials
The University of Tokyo大学申请都需要哪些材料那?The University of Tokyo大学申请费用是多少那,让我们一起看看出国留学需要准备哪些材料和步骤吧,【机械工程学硕士】申请费用要求【0】,推荐信要求【2】。个人陈述PS【】,个人英文简历CV【】。想我们大概了解了The University of Tokyo大学申请所需的材料了,在收到录取通知书后就可以准备入学了
Recommendation letter

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Official contacts
Name:Graduate Admission

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