卡内基梅隆大学PhD in Mathematical Finance招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方
卡内基梅隆大学PhD in Mathematical Finance招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。Department of Mathematical Sciences, Mellon College of Science

Mathematical sciences (or in a program with a strong mathematics component)
Code:Institution code: 2074
In general, applicants whose native language is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Applicants who received their entire undergraduate education in the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom may be exempted from submitting a TOEFL score by arrangement with the department. The institution code for CMU is 2074. Either of the following two department codes can be used: "72 Math" or "54 Applied Math". A legible scanned copy of the applicant's official TOEFL report should be uploaded as part of the MathPrograms online application.
Code:Institution code: 2074, department code: 0799
Applicants are required to take both the GRE general test and the GRE mathematics subject test. The institution code for CMU is 2074. Any one of the following three department codes can be used: "0702 Appl Math", "0703 Math", or "0799 Other Math Sciences". A legible scanned copy of the applicant's official GRE test report should be uploaded as part of the MathPrograms online application. It is important that the applicant should take the tests early enough to ensure that the scores reach the department by January 15. Applicants should inquire about test dates, testing center locations and availability well in advance of the deadline, as places in these centers tend to fill up quickly.
1-2 pages